Refection on Week One

Two days have passed since my last entry so we have a bit to catch up on!

Yesterday we introduced the kids to the next step on the WAGI journey- detective skills. Detective skills are a way for us to explain to them how to think about the problems/issues in their community and how to solve them.

By asking them to “think like detectives” we encouraged the children to think outside of the box and find clues about the major issues in their society.

On Thursday after class, Katie Nell (our third team member) arrived. Emmanuel and I went to pick her up from the airport fresh off the plane from Dubai. She had just spent the past few weeks traveling around the world completing the tail end of her business masters program at the University of Virginia. The kids were so excited to meet her and one of them even described her in their notebook reflection as “a very nice lady”.

As the week has come to a close a few of the students have stood out to us by exhibiting a desire to learn more and more. Some in the class even get frustrated with our slower pace aimed to accommodate all of the students in the class. Abdul Samed is probably our brightest student with dreams of becoming a doctor. Currently he lives with 16 of his family members and walks 3 miles to get to school every single day. It is amazing to me that he has to walk that far, yet still manages to make it to school earlier than all the other kids for WAGI labs.

With the first week’s completion under our belts, I am confident that there are only good things to come from our students as well as the growth of Citadel Foundation overall!

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