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How you can help us

Professors and Experienced Professionals

Advisors: We need people we can with whom we can discuss our ideas for constructive feedback. We are young and realize that advice from experts like you can help us become better with fewer mistakes as we learn by doing. As an advisor, we would ask you what you think about our ideas and how you recommend that we should proceed.

College Students and Young Professionals

Executive Team: As a team, we build the network, sustain it and ensure that its resources are focused on productive tasks that help us realize our objectives. Experience is not required. However, commitment to life-long learning is critical to being effective on this team.

Project Leaders: Each project has its own team and independent objectives that contribute to CFK’s overall goals. Project leaders build their teams and use designated resources to create and achieve objectives.

Project Support: For volunteers with little time to give, this role allows them to serve on project teams to assist project leaders.

Summer Interns: Volunteers travel to designated service locations to learn about and address child education challenges.

Kids’ Mentors: We would love it if every child we connect with either through our education initiatives to have an adult mentor who can help them on their journey.


Resource and financial donations: We prefer to work with existing organizations by using their buildings, equipment and working with their staff to keep our operation costs low. If you have resources in our service location sites that we could use, please feel free to let us know. We also accept monetary donations. To donate, please go to our front page and click the ‘Donate‘ button.

Why you should join us

What is in it for you: 

Joining us would grant you the unique opportunity to interact with people of different cultures and perspectives on a personal level. Second, you will have the chance to contribute to our growth and development as an organization. Third, you will get the opportunity to change someone’s life for the better by working and forming relationships with them to learn how you can be of the most help to them.

Why we want you to join us: 

First, we need you. Addressing kids’ education needs in resource-deprived communities is difficult and in order to be effective, we need people with diverse talents and perspectives who are willing to commit to helping others.

Second, our approach to addressing kids’ education needs involves immersion into the communities we wish to impact. Because of our personal approach, we can only scale-up our initiatives if we have enough people to maintain strong relationships between our organization and our beneficiaries. We can only do more if we have you in our network.


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