Pictures from our work in Nima
Our first WAGiLabs launch in Nima
Our first WAGiLabs launch in Nima
We started our first session by walking through the WAGi Journey Map as a class. We explained each step to the kids and let them know what our expectations were for our time together. Since this was our last day, we wanted to know how we did. We presented our kids with a scorecard on[…]
I have known Laamia Saadu since kindergarten. She graduated from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in 2015 with a BSc in Agribusiness Management. She is very passionate about agriculture, working with children, civil rights, and economic empowerment. She started a bakery in April 2016 called BayaklyCakes. Before then, she worked with Agripro, a startup in[…]
We dedicated this week to building a prototype of our solution to address the spread of germs at the school. This is the problem our kids decided to address as a class through voting. The first part of our solution was to design information posters that reminded people to wash their hands. We had our kids make[…]
We had three problems and three ideas for solving them. However, we wanted to pick just one to work on as a class in the time we had left. The Heroes wanted to prevent the spread of germs by making posters to inform people about the importance of washing their hands after using the bathroom and[…]
Our kids’ presented their work to the class in teams. They each used PowerPoint slides they had designed on their facilitators’ laptops. All I can say is you should have been there! While working with our kids, we discovered that some of them frequently use computers and were quite comfortable designing their slides. On the other hand,[…]
While the Heroes and Star Kids teams started this this week exploring the world through Google Earth, YouTube Videos and Google Images, the Strong Kids team were having difficulty accessing the internet. As such, they skipped ahead and started working on their problem for the week–reducing littering. Their objectives, similar to those of the other teams, was[…]
We started our WAGiLabs program last week in Nima, Accra-Ghana. It’s been quite fun! Please check out our blogs on our website, under the ‘Summer 2016’ tab. Reeves will post a blog soon about our work so far, but I am eager to briefly share with you where we are in our journey. We[…]
Since we were working with The Apostolic Church to reach the kids at their mission school, The Apostolic Hope School, we were invited to speak with the church’s congregation today to tell them about our work in Nima with their kids. We were well received and after Katie Nell, Reeves and I explained WAGiLabs to[…]
The fourth step in our WAGi Journey is “Walk in Other’s Shoes”. It aims to help kids understand the different stakeholders of a social problem so they can design solutions with them in mind. For instance, when trying to address a road-safety problem, we want them to realize that pedestrians, drivers, cyclists, and law enforcement may[…]