Entrepreneur Visit: Laamia shares entrepreneurial insights

I have known Laamia Saadu since kindergarten. She graduated from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in 2015 with a BSc in Agribusiness Management. She is very passionate about agriculture, working with children, civil rights, and economic empowerment. She started a bakery in April 2016 called BayaklyCakes. Before then, she worked with Agripro, a startup in[…]

Team Up: Brainstorm and show us what you’ve got!

While the Heroes and Star Kids teams started this this week exploring the world through Google Earth, YouTube Videos and Google Images, the Strong Kids team were having difficulty accessing the internet. As such, they skipped ahead and started working on their problem for the week–reducing littering. Their objectives, similar to those of the other teams, was[…]

Wrapping-up Week One: Our Exercise on Empathy

The fourth step in our WAGi Journey is “Walk in Other’s Shoes”. It aims to help kids understand the different stakeholders of a social problem so they can design solutions with them in mind. For instance, when trying to address a road-safety problem, we want them to realize that pedestrians, drivers, cyclists, and law enforcement may[…]